The residents of Airdrie are very familiar with Fort Knox Locks Company. This is their trusted and caring partner when it comes to matters concerning locksmiths. This is the only Locksmith Airdrie Company that has been able to cater for the needs and the demands of the residents of this town. We offer high class and up to date services. We also do serve our customers with all due diligence at all times. There is no time when the customers have ever had and issue about the kinds of services that we have for them. They are always satisfied because we know exactly what is expected of us and how to deliver in the most appropriate manner.
When it comes to locks, we know almost everything about them. We have been dealing with locks for more than a decade and for sure there is nothing that is new to us. We have mastered all kinds and types of locks. We are well conversant with both the old and manual types of locks as well as the new and advanced multipoint types of locks. We shall be able to do all the lock fittings on your windows and doors as well as any other place that you want them fitted. Also in case you have a faulty lock, just let us know and we shall repair the locks for you. Servicing of locks is also another part of our job. We do locks servicing to all the different types of locks.