In the unfortunate event that you are burgled let Fort Knox Locks secure your home or business . If we need to change or repair existing lock hardware or renew for more robust security let us try to help. We can help work with you insurance company if needed to make you feel safe and secure again.
Don’t make it easy for a burglar to gain entry by making sure all windows and doors are secure and properly locked. If you have wooden doors a good 5 lever british standard mortice lock is the minimum you should have fitted to your door. (insurance standard)
Thieves often target rear windows as an entry point, try and make sure no garden tools or ladders are left out that could be used by a burgler. Don’t leave keys in view or on tables, shelves that a thief may try to take advantage of. Burglars have used letterboxes to access householders keys to gain entry.
- replace locks (stolen keys)
- emergency board up
- repair damaged & broken locks
- window locks
- lock upgrades
- insurance approved
- Follow some simple rules to guard against this happining to you !
Talk directly to a locksmith not a call centre today.